Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Twins to the Limit!

Here at Vancouver City Limits we have many multi-talented individuals preforming on stage and behind the scenes. The crew of VCL are accomplished artists in media, video, music and fine art disciplines... and to top it off there are multiples of us! By multiples I mean twins! Both George Faulkner (monsieur videographer) et Lindsey Bond (madame photographer) have identical twins! (Mr. Gord Faulkner and Miss. Ashleigh Bond). Now, there must be something in the water at VCL because we also have had some pretty amazing twin acts who have performed on the last few monday nights,  for example: the rockin Fera sisters &  the lovely Carli and Julie Kennedy (seen here with George and Gord). With all of these twins ending up in the same room, it makes you wonder if twins really do have telepathic capabilities!  Wink!